Dt./CH.Ch. The Power of Billy the Kid
AEP - Befund: beidseitig normal hörend Patellaluxation: 0/0 nicht luxierbar Augenuntersuchung: 2006 - last Test 25.09.2011 PLL - PRA - Katarakt - In allen Bereichen ohne Befund!
DNA - Abstammungsnachweis Patella and Eyes tested clear BEAR tested: full hearing rough coat, white/tan
scissors bite, full dentition
PLL-DNA Test frei -/- "clear" (Animal Health Trust) GB 03/2010
The Power Of Billy The Kid - This dog is CLEAR of PRIMARY LENS LUXATION
Late Onset Ataxie Test frei -/- "clear" (Animal Health Trust) GB 12/2012
The Power Of Billy The Kid - This dog is CLEAR of Late Onset Ataxia
Spinocerebellare Ataxie Test frei -/- "clear"(Animal Health Trust) GB 09/2013
The Power Of Billy The Kid - This dog is CLEAR of Spinocerebellare Ataxie